Hardness tester with interchangeable units, laser centring device, rotating sample holder and software for the automatic serial measure of O-ring, technical articles and standard samples

Standards the instrument complies with:   
ASTM D1414;   ASTM D1415;   ASTM D2240;   FIAT 50408;   ISO 48-2;   ISO 48-3;   ISO 48-4;    

State of art technology for automatic hardness testing 
The Automatic Hardness Check instrument with laser centering device is the most advanced solution for automatic serial hardness measurement of rubber or plastic parts.
To perform the test, it is sufficient to:
- Enter the identification of the parts to be measured
- Place the parts to be measured on the sample disc
- Press the start button
The specimen holder disk starts rotating, the laser centering device finds the perfect test point, and the hardness tester performs the test at the intended positions.
The positioning and measuring process is repeated, without operator intervention, for all parts placed on the measuring line.
Measurement results are compared with tolerance limits and automatically saved in the database.

Application: Serial Hardness Testing of O-Ring and Technical Articles 
The extreme accuracy of the laser and of the positioning system of the instrument permits to perform automatically the serial measure of hardness of O-rings and small parts with dimension between 1 and 12 mm.
The laser centring system totally eliminates the human influence in the sample positioning.

Usable Units: IRHD-M or Shore-M

• Testing of small parts difficult to be centered manually
• Statistical control of finished parts
• Mold approval tests

Application: Serial Hardness Testing of Standard Samples 
The instrument permits to perform multi-point hardness test on each sample placed across the test line of the sample holder.
The position of the sample is automatically detected by the laser system.
You can set the number of tests to be performed on each sample.

Usable Units: All Shore and IRHD units

• Product approval or Quality Control tests
• Process capability analysis

Exclusive Plus 
Gibitre is the only world manufacturer of which uses a Ruby ball indenter for Micro-irhd durometers to ensure:
• perfect sphericity
• perfect surface finish
• very low wear of the ball over time

The instrument can be supplied with an Accredia calibration certificate issued by the Gibitre calibration laboratory

The software allows you to scan your pieces and define and store the correct measuring point for each product.

HardnessCheck Software 
The software is optimized for the automatic execution of tests and allows:
• Quick identification of products
• Automatic configuration of the instrument according to the product
• Automatic comparison with the tolerance limits set for the product
• Saving of Results, Curves and outcomes in the SQL database
• Statistic analysis
• Preparation of customized reports in language

Part Scan Function: Measure automatically parts with non-symmetrical shape 
The Part Scan Function allows you to choose the position in which the automatic hardness measurement must be carried out even for very complex parts.
The measurement position is associated with the product code and automatically reused for subsequent measurements.

Calculated Results: IRHD Hardness 
The software allows you to prepare customized test procedures that include all the calculations required by the standards and product specifications. The dedicated page describes all the available calculations.

Test report 
Can be printed or saved to pdf in one of the available languages. The format of the Test Report can be customized by the user.

Tolerance Limits 
The Datagest program allows you to define specific tolerance limits for each Product, Customer, Test Procedure and Aging Treatment.
For each result to be calculated, tolerance limits and alarm limits can be defined.
The comparison between the results and the tolerance limits is carried out automatically at the end of each test: the test results are colored (Green, Yellow or Red) based on the outcome of the comparison with the limits.
The outcome of the check is saved in the database together with the results.

Statistics of ongoing tests 
The programs automatically process the statistical analysis of the tests in progress by calculating:
• Maximum
• Minimum
• Average
• Median
• Standard deviation
• Cp
• Cpk
In addition, the Gaussian curve relative to the results is shown together with the tolerance limits to immediately highlight the progress of the tests in progress.
The Datagest program allows you to process more detailed statistics related to the saved results and to represent X and R Charts by grouping data by order, batch, batch, date, etc.

Management of Test Results 
The results and test curves of all the tests carried out are saved in the Gibitre SQL database and are available through the Datagest program.

Datagest is the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) which is always installed in combination with all Gibitre instrument-control programs.
The program is the collector for all the test result produced with the instruments connected and permits to manage the common Archives used by the instruments (Product List, Customer List, Tolerance limits, Order List, etc)

Industry 4.0 integration 
The instrument and the software have been specifically developed to optimize integration with other environments.
The database in SQL format and the Gibitre_Company_Connect program allows you synchronize your company management software with Gibitre database and to speed up the identification of the tests and to use bar-code readers or similar devices.


Accredia Calibration of the instrument 
The instrument can be supplied with an ACCREDIA calibration certificate issued by the Accredia laboratory of Gibitre instruments.
The calibration is carried out according to the Technical Procedure approved by Accredia and in compliance with the requirements of the ISO 48-2 standard.
The Calibration refers to:
• Dimensions of the Indentor and Annular foot
• Forces applied by the indentor and the annular foot
• Displacement of the indenter
• Duration of the test

Technology of Micro-IRHD device  
The micro-irhd testing units produced by Gibitre measure the force applied to the sample using a load cell.
This technology, widely used for the hardness testers for metals, permits to eliminate the effect of friction in the application of the force and improves the test repeatability.

Indentor with Ruby Sphere 
Gibitre is the only world manufacturer of Micro-irhd hardness testers that uses a Ruby ball indentor for Micro-irhd hardness testers.
This technological choice guarantees:
• perfect sphericity
• perfect surface finish
• very low wear of the ball even in very demanding conditions of use

Characteristics of the laser centering device and of the sample-positioning system 
The laser sensor used is class 2 type and has 0.002 mm reading resolution.
The sample positioning disk permits to set the position of the test piece with 0.005 mm accuracy.
The combination of accurate measuring and sample positioning devices ensures a very high repeatability of the results obtained even when very small parts are tested.

Safety devices 
The instrument includes safety devices to eliminate potential risks during the automatic working.
• Test stops in case of incorrect sample centring
• Test stops in case of overload of the indentor
• Test stops in case of missing laser reading or sample positioning reading.

The instrument is supplied with CE Labelling

Hardware requirements 
• Programs can be installed on standard PCs with WINDOWS 10 or 11 OPERATING SYSTEM.
• The CONNECTION between the instruments and the PC is made using the USB CABLE supplied with the instrument.
• The programs are COMPATIBLE WITH ANTIVIRUS, and other programs installed on the PC.

Language Selection 
All the programs produced by Gibitre are multi-language and allow the operator to select the language of use.
The test report can be produced in the desired language regardless of the language of use of the program.
The languages available at the moment are: Italian, English, German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Czech

Development and production 
The instrument is totally developed and produced in the plant of Gibitre Instruments in Italy.
All the mechanical parts are produced in the company workshop using modern CNC machines.
Components and sensors from well-known brands are selected in order to ensure the maximum reliability in the measures
Internal trained personnel takes care of all the production stages: assembly, start-up, calibration, packing, shipment and installation.

Instrument Characteristics 
Test modality 
Serial automatic testing of the parts placed across the test line of the sample holding disk 
Applicable Units 
Shore (A,D,00,M) & IRHD (M,N,L,H) 
0.01 points 
Sample thickness 
Between 1 and 15 mm 
Laser Device 
Class 2 laser sensor
Resolution: 0.005 mm
Instrument Control 
With Gibitre-Hardness software  
Software for the complete control of the instrument compatible with Windows 10 and 11. 
Tolerance verification  
Comparison of test results with the tolerance limits set for the product 
Results storage 
Test Results and curves are saved in the SQL database which is installed together with the software. 
Rubber Relaxation curve (hardness versus test) time in linear and logarithmic axes 
Data analysis  
Mean, std. Dev., min, max, Cp, Cpk of test results. X-Chart and Gaussian distribution 
Test results calculated for each test 
Shore units: Initial hardness, hardness values after set test times
IRHD/micro IRHD: Hardness at 30 sec (and at set test times), Angle Coeff. of Hardness Vs Time curve, Hysteresis after load removal. 

Software usage Languages 
Italian, English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Czech 
Safety Devices 
CE Labelling 
Accredited Calibration (optional) 
ACCREDIA calibration Certificate issued by Gibitre Instruments ISO 17025-Accredited Laboratory 
Report with traceability to primary references
Technical specifications 
Power supply 
110-240 V, 50/60 Hz, 15 W, single phase 
(W x D x H) 340 x 500 x 400 mm 
35 Kg 
Personal Computer (optional) 
Personal Computer (optional) 
Minimum Configuration: Intel Core i5 4 GB RAM.
Compatible Operating Systems: Windows 10 and 11;
Connection to the instrument via USB Cable (included) 

Gibitre Instruments
Via dell'industria, 18
Bergamo (Italy)
te. +39 035 461146

Copyright Gibitre Instruments
Hardness tester with interchangeable units, laser centring device, rotating sample holder and software for the automatic serial measure of O-ring, technical articles and standard samples


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Hardness tester with interchangeable units, laser centring device, rotating sample holder and software for the automatic serial measure of O-ring, technical articles and standard samples
Why Choose the 'Laser Revolution Hardness Check' ?
State of art technology for automatic hardness testing 
The Automatic Hardness Check instrument with laser centering device is the most advanced solution for automatic serial hardness measurement of rubber or plastic parts.
To perform the test, it is sufficient to:
- Enter the identification of the parts to be measured
- Place the parts to be measured on the sample disc
- Press the start button
The specimen holder disk starts rotating, the laser centering device finds the perfect test point, and the hardness tester performs the test at the intended positions.
The positioning and measuring process is repeated, without operator intervention, for all parts placed on the measuring line.
Measurement results are compared with tolerance limits and automatically saved in the database.
Application: Serial Hardness Testing of O-Ring and Technical Articles 
The extreme accuracy of the laser and of the positioning system of the instrument permits to perform automatically the serial measure of hardness of O-rings and small parts with dimension between 1 and 12 mm.
The laser centring system totally eliminates the human influence in the sample positioning.

Usable Units: IRHD-M or Shore-M

• Testing of small parts difficult to be centered manually
• Statistical control of finished parts
• Mold approval tests
Application: Serial Hardness Testing of Standard Samples 
The instrument permits to perform multi-point hardness test on each sample placed across the test line of the sample holder.
The position of the sample is automatically detected by the laser system.
You can set the number of tests to be performed on each sample.

Usable Units: All Shore and IRHD units

• Product approval or Quality Control tests
• Process capability analysis
Exclusive Plus 
Gibitre is the only world manufacturer of which uses a Ruby ball indenter for Micro-irhd durometers to ensure:
• perfect sphericity
• perfect surface finish
• very low wear of the ball over time

The instrument can be supplied with an Accredia calibration certificate issued by the Gibitre calibration laboratory

The software allows you to scan your pieces and define and store the correct measuring point for each product.
HardnessCheck Software 
The software is optimized for the automatic execution of tests and allows:
• Quick identification of products
• Automatic configuration of the instrument according to the product
• Automatic comparison with the tolerance limits set for the product
• Saving of Results, Curves and outcomes in the SQL database
• Statistic analysis
• Preparation of customized reports in language
Part Scan Function: Measure automatically parts with non-symmetrical shape 
The Part Scan Function allows you to choose the position in which the automatic hardness measurement must be carried out even for very complex parts.
The measurement position is associated with the product code and automatically reused for subsequent measurements.
Calculated Results: IRHD Hardness 
The software allows you to prepare customized test procedures that include all the calculations required by the standards and product specifications. The dedicated page describes all the available calculations.
Test report 
Can be printed or saved to pdf in one of the available languages. The format of the Test Report can be customized by the user.
Example of Test Report (Micro IRHD)
Example of Test Report: IRHD+Hysteresis
Tolerance Limits 
The Datagest program allows you to define specific tolerance limits for each Product, Customer, Test Procedure and Aging Treatment.
For each result to be calculated, tolerance limits and alarm limits can be defined.
The comparison between the results and the tolerance limits is carried out automatically at the end of each test: the test results are colored (Green, Yellow or Red) based on the outcome of the comparison with the limits.
The outcome of the check is saved in the database together with the results.
Statistics of ongoing tests 
The programs automatically process the statistical analysis of the tests in progress by calculating:
• Maximum
• Minimum
• Average
• Median
• Standard deviation
• Cp
• Cpk
In addition, the Gaussian curve relative to the results is shown together with the tolerance limits to immediately highlight the progress of the tests in progress.
The Datagest program allows you to process more detailed statistics related to the saved results and to represent X and R Charts by grouping data by order, batch, batch, date, etc.
Management of Test Results 
The results and test curves of all the tests carried out are saved in the Gibitre SQL database and are available through the Datagest program.

Datagest is the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) which is always installed in combination with all Gibitre instrument-control programs.
The program is the collector for all the test result produced with the instruments connected and permits to manage the common Archives used by the instruments (Product List, Customer List, Tolerance limits, Order List, etc)
Industry 4.0 integration 
The instrument and the software have been specifically developed to optimize integration with other environments.
The database in SQL format and the Gibitre_Company_Connect program allows you synchronize your company management software with Gibitre database and to speed up the identification of the tests and to use bar-code readers or similar devices.
Accredia Calibration of the instrument 
The instrument can be supplied with an ACCREDIA calibration certificate issued by the Accredia laboratory of Gibitre instruments.
The calibration is carried out according to the Technical Procedure approved by Accredia and in compliance with the requirements of the ISO 48-2 standard.
The Calibration refers to:
• Dimensions of the Indentor and Annular foot
• Forces applied by the indentor and the annular foot
• Displacement of the indenter
• Duration of the test
Technology of Micro-IRHD device  
The micro-irhd testing units produced by Gibitre measure the force applied to the sample using a load cell.
This technology, widely used for the hardness testers for metals, permits to eliminate the effect of friction in the application of the force and improves the test repeatability.
Indentor with Ruby Sphere 
Gibitre is the only world manufacturer of Micro-irhd hardness testers that uses a Ruby ball indentor for Micro-irhd hardness testers.
This technological choice guarantees:
• perfect sphericity
• perfect surface finish
• very low wear of the ball even in very demanding conditions of use
Characteristics of the laser centering device and of the sample-positioning system 
The laser sensor used is class 2 type and has 0.002 mm reading resolution.
The sample positioning disk permits to set the position of the test piece with 0.005 mm accuracy.
The combination of accurate measuring and sample positioning devices ensures a very high repeatability of the results obtained even when very small parts are tested.
Safety devices 
The instrument includes safety devices to eliminate potential risks during the automatic working.
• Test stops in case of incorrect sample centring
• Test stops in case of overload of the indentor
• Test stops in case of missing laser reading or sample positioning reading.

The instrument is supplied with CE Labelling
Hardware requirements 
• Programs can be installed on standard PCs with WINDOWS 10 or 11 OPERATING SYSTEM.
• The CONNECTION between the instruments and the PC is made using the USB CABLE supplied with the instrument.
• The programs are COMPATIBLE WITH ANTIVIRUS, and other programs installed on the PC.
Language Selection 
All the programs produced by Gibitre are multi-language and allow the operator to select the language of use.
The test report can be produced in the desired language regardless of the language of use of the program.
The languages available at the moment are: Italian, English, German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Czech
Development and production 
The instrument is totally developed and produced in the plant of Gibitre Instruments in Italy.
All the mechanical parts are produced in the company workshop using modern CNC machines.
Components and sensors from well-known brands are selected in order to ensure the maximum reliability in the measures
Internal trained personnel takes care of all the production stages: assembly, start-up, calibration, packing, shipment and installation.
Technical specification
Reference Standards
Standards the instrument complies with:  FIAT 50408; ASTM D1414; ISO 48-2; ISO 48-3; ISO 48-4; ASTM D1415; ASTM D2240;  
Instrument Characteristics
Test modality  Serial automatic testing of the parts placed across the test line of the sample holding disk  Applicable Units  Shore (A,D,00,M) & IRHD (M,N,L,H)  Resolution  0.01 points  Sample thickness  Between 1 and 15 mm  Laser Device  Class 2 laser sensor
Resolution: 0.005 mm
Instrument Control  With Gibitre-Hardness software  
Software  Software for the complete control of the instrument compatible with Windows 10 and 11.  Tolerance verification   Comparison of test results with the tolerance limits set for the product  Results storage  Test Results and curves are saved in the SQL database which is installed together with the software.  Graphs   Rubber Relaxation curve (hardness versus test) time in linear and logarithmic axes  Data analysis   Mean, std. Dev., min, max, Cp, Cpk of test results. X-Chart and Gaussian distribution  Test results calculated for each test  Shore units: Initial hardness, hardness values after set test times
IRHD/micro IRHD: Hardness at 30 sec (and at set test times), Angle Coeff. of Hardness Vs Time curve, Hysteresis after load removal. 
Software usage Languages  Italian, English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Czech 
Safety Devices
Labelling  CE Labelling 
Accredited Calibration (optional)  ACCREDIA calibration Certificate issued by Gibitre Instruments ISO 17025-Accredited Laboratory  Calibration  Report with traceability to primary references
Technical specifications
Power supply  110-240 V, 50/60 Hz, 15 W, single phase  Dimensions  (W x D x H) 340 x 500 x 400 mm  Weight   35 Kg 
Personal Computer (optional)
Personal Computer (optional)  Minimum Configuration: Intel Core i5 4 GB RAM.
Compatible Operating Systems: Windows 10 and 11;
Connection to the instrument via USB Cable (included) 
Which is the difference between Shore A and IRHD Hardness test results? Test results of tests performed with IRHD (ISO 48-2) are are similar to the ones obtained with Shore A test (ISO 48-4), especially for low hardness. However, they are not strictly the same. Indeed, depending on the shape of the part, we can regularly notice 2 to 5 points hardness difference between Shore A and IRHD measurement done on the part. This difference can even be extended to 10 points difference in extreme cases. In general, IRHD results are lower to Shore A results. That is why it is common to use “75 Shore A compounds” to obtain “70 IRHD part”. For example, parts moulded with a “70 Shore A compound” can give finished parts with a hardness from 62 to 65 IRHD, and therefore out of the 70±5 IRHD tolerance.
How should I correct the Shore A hardness of the compound to obtain the requested IRHD Hardness of my finished part? The correct method to obtain the expected result in terms of IRHD hardness is to measure the result obtained at the end of the transformation process, compare it with the tolerance limits and correct the compound formulation by the number of points necessary to 'center' the result. This operation must be carried out for each mixing recipe and for each transformation process.
Gibitre Automatic Hardness Check
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Calibration certificate
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Automatic Hardness Check - Drive
See also   >
Manual Digital Hardness Check - Drive
See also   >
ACCREDIA Calibration Service
See also   >
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